When is the Right Time to Hire a Cyber Security Specialist?
Every company, no matter what size, needs to hire a cyber security specialist. The risk of a cyber-attack or data breach is just too great. Some small business owners think they can handle IT support on their own to save money, while others have the mindset that it will never happen to them. In reality, it will happen to you – it’s just a matter of time. In some cases, you may have already experienced a breach and just don’t know it.
So when is the best time to hire a cyber security expert? The answer is now. It’s important to stay ahead of evolving threats to avoid the financial and reputational consequences that follow. Here’s a list of factors to consider that can directly inform the decision to hire a dedicated cyber security and IT service provider.

1. Every Industry is Vulnerable
Whether you’re a small law firm or a Fortune 500 company, you’re a target for cybercriminals. Every industry is vulnerable because every industry has data. They don’t necessarily want your data, but they want access to your customer’s data, or personal identifiable information (PII). A hacker can hold this data over your head, later on, to get paid a ransom.
2. Antivirus Software Isn’t Enough
Many companies think they can’t be harmed because they have some form of antivirus installed on their systems. The problem is, antivirus software isn’t enough to protect against the myriad of cyber attacks that exist. If you’re one of these companies, your cyber security posture is just too small. Cyber security is comprehensive — you need to look at all the possible ways somebody can get in and steal your data.
3. Financial Consequences Are Broad
A security breach can cost your business thousands if not millions of dollars. You may need to invest in all new systems, computers, servers, and in some cases, migrate to the cloud. There are also non-monetary consequences that come into play, such as:
Damage to your brand. Can your customers trust you? Your brand is heavily based on trust, and if people aren’t willing to give you their personal information, your business could suffer long-term.
Lost productivity. Are you down for days, weeks, or months? In general, the longer you’re unable to serve clients and get servers back up and running, the harder it will be to recover.
Information. What is the cost to your business of information being exposed? You have a responsibility to protect the data you’re storing, and if you don’t, you will pay for it.
4. A Proactive Approach is Key
Unfortunately, most companies approach their cyber security from behind rather than proactively. Whether it’s because you want to save money or you have the attitude “it won’t happen to me”, many people aren’t executing their due diligence early enough. Instead, they wait until something goes wrong and try to remediate the situation afterward — they’re playing defense rather than offense. Until companies learn to get ahead of their cyber security and change the way they look at it, they will remain at risk.
Cyber Security Experts in New Jersey & Florida
Mindcore is committed to helping your organization stay protected against unwanted threats. We provide expert cyber security solutions in New Jersey and Florida, such as network monitoring and penetration testing. Our IT specialists will create a personalized defense strategy, based on your specific needs and goals. Don’t wait until it’s too late — contact us today for more information about our services or to schedule a consultation.