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Finding Your Perfect Tech Match: Top 6 Tips for Choosing a Co-Managed IT Service

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Picking the right co-managed IT service can feel a lot like online dating. You’re on the hunt for that perfect partner who just ‘gets’ you, fills in the gaps, and helps you tackle life’s curveballs. So how do you swipe right on the perfect tech match? Here are six must-do tips to guide you on your search:

1. Understand What You’re Looking For

Just like in dating, it helps to know what you want before you start looking. Do you need backup on specific projects or are you after ongoing support? Where could your IT team use some extra firepower? Having a clear picture of your needs will help you spot a potential match.

2. Look Under the Hood

Now that you’ve got a handle on your needs, it’s time to do some detective work on your potential tech soulmate. What kind of skills and knowledge do they have? Do they shine in areas where your IT team could use a boost? Double-check that their skillset ticks your boxes.

3. Dig Into Their Past

When it comes to a tech partner, past performance can be a great crystal ball into the future. Do some sleuthing into your potential match’s track record. Who have they wowed in the past? What kind of feedback have they received? Any success stories they’re particularly proud of?

4. Flexibility is Key

Just like in any relationship, a little flexibility goes a long way. Your co-managed IT service should be like a techy yoga master – able to adapt and flex to your ever-changing business needs. Whether it’s beefing up support during busy times or tweaking their services as your business evolves, a great partner can go with the flow.

5. Always There When You Call

In the digital world, being there 24/7 really counts. Look for a partner who’s always on call, ready to jump in when you need them. Check out their support hours and how fast they respond. Can they offer round-the-clock support? What’s their game plan for IT emergencies? You want to know they’ve got your back, day or night.

6. Clear on Communication

Just like in any great relationship, communication is king. Make sure you chat about how often you’ll touch base, how you’ll get updates, and who’ll be your go-to person. The right IT partner will love clear, frequent, and honest communication just as much as you do.

 Remember, the aim of the game is to find a co-managed IT service that feels like an integral part of your team. By figuring out what you need, checking out their skills, delving into their past performance, ensuring they’re flexible, confirming they’re always there for you, and chatting about communication, you’re setting yourself up for a successful partnership. So, take your time, do your research, and get ready to welcome a stellar addition to your squad.

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Learn More About Matt

Matt Rosenthal is CEO and President of Mindcore, a full-service tech firm. He is a leader in the field of cyber security, designing and implementing highly secure systems to protect clients from cyber threats and data breaches. He is an expert in cloud solutions, helping businesses to scale and improve efficiency.

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