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9 Benefits of Cloud Computing

cloud computing Services

Cloud computing is taking over, and for a good reason. Cloud adopters consistently report improved productivity, lower costs, improved time to market, and more.

A study done by Cloud Security Alliance concluded that:

  • 33% of organizations have an aggressive attitude about migrating to cloud services.
  • 86% of companies spend at least part of their IT budget on cloud services.
  • 79% of companies with IT leaders receive regular requests from end-users each month to buy more cloud applications with file sharing and collaboration, communication, and content sharing.

The statistic for companies spending their IT budget on cloud services is staggeringly high. This is due to the countless advantages of storing information in the cloud and using software hosted on the Internet.

If you’re tired of endless software bugs, costly updates, and server glitches, then it’s the perfect time to consider the benefits of cloud computing.

Below are the 9 common benefits of cloud computing that are driving organizations to migrate to the cloud.

1. Greater Flexibility & Mobility

One of the primary benefits of cloud computing is that your organization will have greater flexibility and mobility.

Moving to the cloud will allow your employees to use their tablets, laptops, and smartphones to access and share important files from anywhere.

Files and business applications will no longer be stored in one computer, enabling faster operations, availability, and personal productivity.

2. Improved IT Security

There is a perception that the cloud is less secure than traditional data storage methods, deterring many organizations from considering cloud computing. Companies worry that a lack of control over their storage location can be risky, whereas studies have proven that data security improves after migrating to the cloud.

RapidScale concluded that 94 percent of businesses saw an improvement in security after switching to the cloud, and 91 percent claim the cloud makes it easier to meet government compliance requirements.

The key to this amped-up cloud security is encrypting data that is being transmitted over networks and stored in databases. When data is encrypted, hackers and unauthorized personnel are less likely to gain access to important information.

Moreover, a cloud host’s full-time job is to monitor security closely. Cloud hosts have security protocols in place to protect sensitive information and transactions.

3. Time-Saving, On-Demand Services

Cloud computing features self-service delivery for different types of workloads and needs. What makes it so attractive is that any service can be available on-demand.

This means you can gain new capabilities right away without investing in new hardware or software.

4. Lower Costs

There are significant financial savings that result from moving your business to the cloud. Cloud computing makes full use of hardware and only requires you to pay for the storage you need. With this type of flexibility, your company will have the ability to scale up as computing needs increase and easily scale down if they decrease.

In addition to only paying for the cloud storage you use, you’ll also decrease the time and money spent on employees who manage your servers, updates, installations, and backups, because your cloud service provider will handle it for you.

Cloud computing enables businesses, especially startups, to decrease the need for physical space, power usage, IT resources and more. This is a valuable way of saving resources so your company can focus on its growth.

5. Improved Collaboration With Your Team

cloud computing collaboration

Many companies now offer flexible working arrangements, such as remote work and telecommuting.

The cloud permits employees to access work files even when they are not in the office, making it easier for them to work, edit files in real-time, and seamlessly collaborate with team members to delegate tasks and centralize communication.

Cloud computing also allows business owners who frequently travel to manage operations from anywhere in the world. Cloud-based apps help owners stay connected to communications between employees, clients, customer service, and suppliers – allowing for real-time connections from anywhere and at any time.

6. Instant Updates and Easier Integration

From time to time, hardware and software need to be updated. With cloud computing, all the software will be updated automatically by server suppliers who regularly perform updates on your behalf. This saves your company money and prevents you or your employees wasting time on maintaining the system.

Cloud computing can also make integration easier for you. Many cloud computing applications include an Application Programming Interface (API) where you can find apps that are compatible instead of having to pay for them to be customized and integrated into your system.

7. Business Continuity

In the past, natural disasters have wiped out company data and caused countless businesses to close their doors.

When you migrate to the cloud, files can always be accessed even in the event of an emergency. Data is stored in the system and can be easily retrieved even if something happens to your computer and systems.

Unless you deliberately erase company and client information, your data will never be lost, and your business continuity will remain intact with no company down-time.

8. Keeps Your Business Competitive

The cloud has changed competition between businesses. A major advantage of the cloud is that it enables small and mid-sized companies to compete as equals with enterpises. The cloud’s cost-saving natures gives smaller business the ability to access software and systems that would have been too expensive in the past. 

Dell noted that companies who invest in technology enjoy up to 53 percent faster revenue growth than their competitors. The cloud gives small to mid-sized businesses a fighting chance against the big guys.

9. Decreases Environmental Impact

Large amounts of energy are required to run huge data centers and other hardware needed to power-physical products. Instead, cloud infrastructures support virtual services with improving energy efficiency, cutting down on paper waste, and reducing commuter-related emissions for employees. With fewer data centers and more shared resources, we are having less of an impact on the environment.

Everyone is Moving to the Cloud

Cloud computing

Cloud computing offers relief to many common business concerns. It is a viable solution that will help you cut costs, increase productivity, improve your security, and foster growth within your organization.

If you’re interested in working with Mindcore as your cloud provider, please schedule a consultation and a cloud specialist will help you right away.

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Learn More About Matt

Matt Rosenthal is CEO and President of Mindcore, a full-service tech firm. He is a leader in the field of cyber security, designing and implementing highly secure systems to protect clients from cyber threats and data breaches. He is an expert in cloud solutions, helping businesses to scale and improve efficiency.

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